huhu..exam dah dekat..takut.. xstudy lagi..
utk tenangkan hati:
First night of marriage with an educated girl
*SCENE: First night of the marriage*.
* The Groom approaches the Bride and proposes to ** Kiss her.
So Let us see what would be her reaction... **
** > Well kissing is relative. You can kiss me with Respect to me Or with respect to you. First define how you Are going to Kiss.You can kiss me by treating me in the Same reference frame as You are or treating me in a different inertial Frame by producing Waves of motion through your lips. How do you Prefer?
** The guy faints*
>* * Kissing is fine. You can kiss me provided you ** Satisfy the Following conditions : > Necessary conditions: You should be close to Me by a distance Delta where delta is greater than zerO and the Limit for delta Tends to zero and you satisfy the closure Property. > Sufficient conditions: You should have lips. Where the number Of lips is neither more than two nor less than Two. You can Also kiss by defining your hand to be me if And only if you satisfy The above conditions.
**The guy goes mad.**
* * You want to kiss me. That is fine I assume** > that you know the Algorithm for that very well. But you have to Complete the Process within 56.22 seconds or else Connection will be timed Out. To optimize the timing lets do parallel Processing. As we have to Discuss about our future and other things, let Us do the process of Discussion foreground and why can't you put The process of Kissing Background? *
*The guy applies for divorce *.
*GIRL from Electronics Engineering:** * *
>* *So you would like to kiss me. The process of** Kissing is an age Old communication process. The information Content of the Signal transmitted from one pair of lips to The other is more if the Probability of the event (of kissing) is less. > Hence take Care. If you want a successful communication Between us, You should kiss me less often. If the Information content is to be ** Infinite, you should never kiss me at all! *
* The guy is found hanging from fan next day.**
* So my friends get ready if you are going to marry an educated girl
wess.. kasi buang itu mr.bean. semak jer kt tepi ni.. LOL